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Comment: audi tt 2010 rims in lies.
11. 24, 2010 at 6:37.
” -I am given a automobile allowance of $150 per month in my paycheck. This is for the use of my car around the city for marketing purposes. My gas is reimbursed free of tax in a separate check. ”
Comment: audi tt 2010 rims reported understands
1. 26, 2010 at 5:18.
” -I heard all these cars are being scrapped and destroyed, wouldnt it be better to give them away to low income people who dont have a ride so they could go to work, and then trade the car for a new one later, a whole pay it forward situation. ”
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2. 16, 2010 at 15:27.
” -Ive asked my neighbors many times to stop having their guests park outside my home, in front of my driveway. Most times they just reply that they had nothing to do with the parking, and that they would ask their guests not to do it in the future. It pisses me off. ”
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8. 19, 2010 at 8:53.
” -Car A is traveling north on Highway 16 and car B is traveling west on Highway 83. Each car is approaching the intersection of these highways. At a certain moment, car A is 80 km from the intersection and traveling at 70 km/h while car B is 60 km from the intersection and traveling at 55 km/h. How fast is the distance between the cars changing at that moment? ”
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4. 18, 2009 at 3:23.
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2. 5, 2009 at 13:26.
” -Stray cats are sleeping under my new cars and have sprayed. When the ac comes on, I cant breathe from the stench. How do I clean up their mess without ruining my cars and how do I keep them out? I have dogs, but theyre apparantly pals.....HELP! ”