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Comment: audi dealership newry county down to automotive
9. 17, 2010 at 9:5.
” -What if I saw a man or women driving real fast and I couldnt make a signal to get to the other side of the road? I remember last year I saw two cars that crash together and their cars got damaged badly for trying to signal their cars to get to the other side of the road. ”
Comment: audi dealership newry county down formed to.
9. 16, 2010 at 9:28.
” -For instance, do they somehow induce a shimmy at a certain speed? Ive rented two cars, same model and year, same company. They both began to shimmy at approximately 70 mph. It felt like an out of balance wheel at the right front, and Im curious if this is intentional on the companies part. ”
Comment: another audi dealership newry county down means
3. 23, 2010 at 15:46.
” -A lot of cars that I have sen show that the MPH can go up to 120 or more. Yet theres no roads where that speed limit is even permitted. So why do they make cars with the MPH so high? I have seen cars in Mexico that say it goes up to 200. WHy dont they make cars reach only 100. I mean my Honda civic goes up to 130 and the fastest I have gone on it is 85 MPH. ”
Comment: audi dealership newry county down a manufacturers.
2. 27, 2009 at 17:10.
” -My cars airconditioning has just started to only blow directly out of the vents and cannont be changed to clear the windscreen or warm my feet, how can I fix this? ”
Comment: audi dealership newry county down from your
6. 11, 2010 at 6:44.
” -Just wondering what is going to happen when the cars are old and the batteries are dead. Is this a potential harm to the environment? ”
Comment: take audi dealership newry county down wheels
1. 1, 2010 at 21:49.
” -Making a train themed cake. Idea: Functional running train with cake squares being carried on some flat cars (ie., petit fours). Need to know what kind of engine car i need that will carry the weight of the cakes (approx 10 lbs at most), and where I might could find it. ”