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Comment: information audi certified mechanics atlanta g and
1. 27, 2010 at 5:23.
” -My consumer math assignment says : " Mr. Johnson found on the internet that his car had a trade-in value of $4295 but a retail value of $9110. Check the internet and find out what these values mean and why such a difference exists." But I have looked for that and all I can find is the trade in values for specific cars...please help me? ”
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9. 23, 2010 at 18:21.
” -Do they transport the cars/equipment by sea/air? And what about the team trucks that are present at every race, are the same trucks used at every race? ”
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5. 11, 2009 at 23:45.
” -We have a dealership near us and they have a whole row of trucks (new) with their hoods up. Admittedly, I dont know anything about cars but what exactly is the purpose of showing the engine and other stuff under the hood when buying a car? What are you supposed to be looking at? ”
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9. 23, 2010 at 4:33.
” -It is a country in Europe and I need to know what types of cars it makes? If you cant find that, please list the most popular car people drive in the country. Thank you and please list websites. ”
Comment: audi certified mechanics atlanta g harm Detailing
8. 17, 2010 at 14:37.
” -and the electric (electrolysis) produced by coal/oil/nuclear/etc why not just have electric cars with a nice clean electric motor. ”
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9. 3, 2009 at 2:57.
” -I have been reading books from the 1940s and they mention starter pedals in cars. How did the starter pedal work? How were car keys used in conjunction with the pedal (or button in some cases.) When did most American car makers stop manufacturing cars with starter pedals and switch to the ignition key (I imagine mid to late 50s)? ”