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Comment: groups audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi normal
5. 21, 2010 at 3:10.
” -Not trying to be racist AT ALL. My best friend (who is black) told me he wanted a "black guy car" and I dont know what that would be. When I asked him, he told me to find out himself. I think Bentleys and Cadillacs are black cars, but I want more of a list. Please help? ”
Comment: created audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi speed
12. 5, 2009 at 1:8.
” -help, i want to explore other careers that have cars in them besides the automobile mechanic. what other careers are there that involves lots of cars? thanks. ”
Comment: audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi a4 Due
8. 2, 2010 at 5:28.
” -n automobile engine develops a torque of 310 Nm and is rotating at a speed of 1000 rev/min. What horsepower does the engine generate? ”
Comment: live. audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi have.
9. 25, 2010 at 9:26.
” -My son is in desperate need of a cheap car. Ive seen some pretty good deals on some orphan cars, like a Tercel or an Echo. Question is, can you still get parts for these cars now that they are no longer being made and how much of a problem will this be in the future? ”
Comment: audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi under from
9. 4, 2009 at 8:35.
” -I was just curious to see how many new cars are sold with a stick shift, as it seems like as we advance with car technology we are slowly shifting gears from cars with sticks, even though they are like one or two thousand dollars cheeper than an automatic. ”
Comment: easy audi a3 tdi vs. jetta tdi in
2. 20, 2010 at 1:29.
” -I dont know of any country outside of US and Canada where people think American cars can compete with European and Japanese cars when it comes to quality and reliability. Buick is popular among rich Chinese, but thats the only exception I know of, and thats just one brand. ”