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Comment: dangerous audi a3 intercooler conversion weather.
11. 28, 2010 at 22:17.
” -My sister and I will be getting our License this summer. We are planning on getting a car, but what cars would be good? We have driven our moms small/medium BMW and our Dads pick up truck (we both prefer driving the BMW). We both prefer smaller/medium size cars, but one of us prefers more of a medium size. We want our car to look good, drive well, and be safe. It can not be expensive, good gas mileage, and kind of roomy. Thanks! Please state what car and maybe why. ”
Comment: audi a3 intercooler conversion verity making
10. 13, 2010 at 10:7.
” -I have traded 3 cars this year for my family and I need to purchase another but dnt wnt to get in trouble, im not a dealer, but I have had to sell a couple this year already. ”
Comment: select audi a3 intercooler conversion upward
6. 21, 2009 at 18:53.
” -Im looking for a car that seems a little weird or random. Something that isnt seen very often. Cars like the Ford exp or Toyota mr2. Any odd little cars there are out there to look for? ”
Comment: audi a3 intercooler conversion score defines
8. 6, 2010 at 11:23.
” -When my grand father passed away he left me 3 older cars. A 74 buick electra with 20,000 mi, a 1955 cheve truck (very weathered but with good engine), and a 1943 buick roadmaster with 60,000 original mi in mint condition(all parts original).I am currently driving the electra but i wish to sell it. In fact i want to sell them all except maybe the roadmaster. At any rate i need to know the value of the vehicles as well as the best place to sell them. ”
Comment: audi a3 intercooler conversion paddle way
10. 10, 2010 at 14:19.
” -You accept national speed limits which require you to drive like little old ladies so why do you like cars with huge, powerful, gas guzzling engines which you can only drive at half their design speed. ”
Comment: production. audi a3 intercooler conversion wheels
5. 14, 2010 at 21:14.
” -My new Honda Civic drifts/pulls to the right as it approaches around 65 mph. Dont know if theres a problem with the balancing or if thats normal behavior in cheaper cars. ”