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Comment: 1994 audi 4.2 oil consumption below
5. 5, 2010 at 8:24.
” -My consumer math assignment says : " Mr. Johnson found on the internet that his car had a trade-in value of $4295 but a retail value of $9110. Check the internet and find out what these values mean and why such a difference exists." But I have looked for that and all I can find is the trade in values for specific cars...please help me? ”
Comment: audi 4.2 oil consumption lambo spent
5. 26, 2009 at 11:32.
” -Yesterday, not far from my home, one direction of a 10 lane major freeway was closed due to a horrific accident. In California thats called a SigAlert. As I listened to the radio while working, I realized the freeway had been closed for 8-10 hours. They cant expect anyone to just sit there all that time! At the least, you gotta hit the head! ”
Comment: audi 4.2 oil consumption out plugs
5. 14, 2010 at 18:22.
” -How much money do all levels of government have to spend because cars exist? Should all of the money that governments spend (because of vehicles) all come from drivers? If so, should the government increase taxes (a bit more) to nudge people to want alternative means of transportation? ”
Comment: audi 4.2 oil consumption proves with
5. 5, 2009 at 21:54.
” -If were talking about conventional electric cars that have to be plugged in, you have to consider how that electricity is being generated. The majority of power plants in this country are COAL-POWERED. If we all had electric cars, we wouldnt have any exhaust coming out of the cars, but there would be a lot more coal being burned to generate the electricity to charge the cars batteries. So how does that reduce pollution? ”
Comment: audi 4.2 oil consumption dfw material
5. 7, 2009 at 5:32.
” -Greetings: ”
Comment: audi 4.2 oil consumption fail-safe in
11. 24, 2009 at 20:28.
” -Im doing a research project for my english class on the impact of the automobile and the internal combustion engine, but there seems to be nothing out there that I can salvage and use as a reference. What are the good and the bad things about having so many cars on the road today and how does the engine influence our way of life? ”