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Comment: 1996 audi a4 for sale have 260
6. 9, 2010 at 15:18.
” -What are other cars that are similar to these that still hold 7 or 8 passengers? Like chevrolet or jeep? ”
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12. 22, 2009 at 22:12.
” -A friend and I are thinking about getting into business buying and selling cars with a quick turn around rate. I need advice as to what are the best cars to buy and sell quickly and also which will make the most money. ”
Comment: buy 1996 audi a4 for sale The
5. 27, 2010 at 3:27.
” -A survey of 200 students at a nonresidential college was taken to determine how they got to campus during the fall term. Of those surveyed, 118 used cars, 102 used public transportation, and 70 used bikes. 48 students used cars and public transportation, 38 used cars and bikes and 26 used public transportation and bikes. 22 students used all three modes of transportation. How many used cars and public transportation but not bikes? ”
Comment: 1996 audi a4 for sale from for
10. 15, 2010 at 22:5.
” -All over the web I find lists of the fastest cars, but finding a list of the fastest cars with automatic transmission has been next to impossible. Ive learned that the Mercedes Benz McLaren is the fastest, but I havent been able to find any more. Can anyone help me out here? ”
Comment: ready 1996 audi a4 for sale passengers
5. 18, 2010 at 23:38.
” -The garbage really smells and its like right next to our cars. When people throw big things away like couches and old bbq grills it is so easy for that stuff to hit our cars. Are the managers violating some kind of violation code? Shouldnt the garbages have to be in their own seperate area? How do I find out this information so I can take it to my apartment office and force them to move them nasty garbages? ”
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5. 13, 2009 at 3:34.
” -I am 18 years old and i am trying to find a career i want to do in the future. I LOVE cars and am fascinated with them and would love to learn about them. What types of work is available out there for me to do which involves working closely with cars (besides a mechanic)? ”